Recommendations for buying tequila

Finding “the best tequila” implies tasting different brands and classifications. To avoid stumbling over tequilas that aren’t genuine on this journey, The Tequila Regulatory Council (CRT) makes the following recommendations to consumers:

–        Identify the Official NOM Password, consisting of four digits: a single and unique number for each producer of tequila.

–        Don’t purchase tequila in places of doubtful repute.

–        Never acquire a product without a label. The label must be original and display the corresponding SHCP tag.

–        Make sure that the container or bottle shows no signs of violation (mainly; the bottle caps).

–        Check to insure that the tequila has no particles or foreign material, sediment or strange elements.

–        Agave Distillate, Agave Spirits, Agave Liquor or similar


–        Beware of so-called tequilas offered at the famous “Open Bars” and “2×1” promotions at bars and all-inclusive establishments.

–        See the list of certified brands periodically issued by the CRT and published at the following website: , in order to avoid acquiring an apocryphal or non-certified product.

–        Destroy any alcoholic beverage container that you consume, even at home.

–        When in an establishment; request for the original bottle to be brought to your table.

–        Tequila bottles do not contain a maguey worm; which, in turn, is the hallmark of Oaxacan mezcal.