Hay más tiempo que vida
There is more time than life.
Se me subió el muerto.
The deceased climbed on me! Which means: “It really scared me!”
Ya ni en la paz de los sepulcros creo.
I don’t even believe in the peace of the tombs anymore. “I don’t trust anyone”
Al vivo todo le falta y al muerto todo le sobra.
The ones alive need everything, the dead need nothing.
Hierba mala nunca muere.
Bad weed never dies.
Al diablo la muerte, mientras la vida nos dure.
To hell with death while we’re still alive.
Mujeres juntas, sólo difuntas.
Women together only in heaven.
Te asustas del muerto y te cobijas con la mortaja.
You’re afraid of the defunct but use his shroud to cover yourself!
It is used when someone is criticizing another person, and at the same time is
taking advantage of him.
A mí la muerte me pela los dientes.
Death peels my teeth! Which means “Death can’t do anything to me!”
Quien con la esperanza vive, alegre muere.
He who lives with hope dies happy.
El muerto y el arrimado a los tres días apestan.
The dead and the guests stink after 3 days.