Beginning date: The Mexican Revolution war began the 20th of November 1910
Ending date: There is controversy regarding the end of the Mexican Revolution. Some sources believe it is marked by the Proclamation o the Mexican Constitution in 1917. Other sources state that it was in 1924 when President Plutarco Elias Calles took office.
Objectives-Goal: The initial purpose of the revolutionary movement was to overthrow General Porfirio Diaz who had been in power form more than 30 years.
Important Dates
September 15-16, 1910: President Porfirio Diaz presides over the Centennial Celebrations of the Mexican I Independence.
October 5, 1910: Francisco Madero, after fleeing to the United States, proclaims the Plan de San Luis in which he asks all Mexicans to rise against the government of Porfirio Diaz.
November 18, 1910: A date is set for Sunday 10 of November 1910. The Serdan Brothers along with other Madero followers fight the police in the City of Puebla. This marks the beginning of the armed war.
March 11, 1911: Emiliano Zapata and his force took arms in Villa de Ayala Morelos.
May 25, 1911: President Porfirio Diaz resigns after 30 years in power.
November 6, 1911: President Francisco I Madero took office after winning the elections in October 1911.
February 22, 1913: President Madero was assassinated by orders of Victoriano Huerta.
March 26, 1913: Following The Plan of Guadalupe, a document drafted on March 23, 1913, by Venustiano Carranza that nullified any claim of legitimacy of Huerta’s government, Carranza, and Alvaro Obregon call to arms against Huerta‘s regime.
September 29, 1913: Franciso Pancho Villa and the Northern Division join the Constitutionalist revolution.
April 3, 1914: After taking the city of Torreon in Coahuila Pancho Villa and the Northern Division are on their way of defeating President Victoriano Huerta‘s forces.
July 15, 1914: President Victoriano Huerta resigns and leaves the country.
December 6, 1914: Zapata and Villa occupy Mexico City and march with a force of 50 thousand men.
February 5, 1917: The Mexican Constitution is promulgated.
May 1, 1917: Venustiano Carranza assumes the Mexican Presidency.
Casualties of War: There is not an exact number of casualties due to the revolutionary war but it is calculated that between 1 and 2 million people died.
Revolutionary Slogans:
“Sufragio Efectivo No Reelección” Francisco I Madero
Effective Suffrage (Vote) No Reelection
“La Tierra es de Quien la Trabaja” Emiliano Zapata
The land is the property of those who work it.