La Llorona One Woman, Many Stories
Spanish The eve of the conquest of Mexico -Tenochtitlan by Hernan Cortes and his Spanish army was plagued by omens that Miguel Leon–Portilla enumerates in ...
Spanish The eve of the conquest of Mexico -Tenochtitlan by Hernan Cortes and his Spanish army was plagued by omens that Miguel Leon–Portilla enumerates in ...
Read in Spanish “They say that a crazy weeping woman appears in a street near the high school/ That she dances the twist and rock‘ ...
English La víspera de la conquista de México-Tenochtitlan por Hernán Cortés y su ejército español, estuvo plagada de presagios que Miguel León Portilla enumera en ...
Read in English “En una calle cerca de la prepa/ dicen que sale una llorona loca. Que baila el twist y el rock, que baila ...