Mexican proverbs or sayings are popularly known and repeated through generations. Here you will find some of the most used sayings, proverbios, with their english translation and meaning. A wealth of Mexican wisdom.
Al mal tiempo, buena cara.
Put a good face to the bad times. Be positive.
A caballo regalado, no se le ven los dientes.
You don’t check the teeth of a gifted horse. Be thankful for the gift, don’t look for defects.
A fuerza, ni los zapatos entran.
You can’t force your shoes to fit. You can’t force your way into anything.
Ahogado el niño, tapando el pozo.
After the child drowns they close the well. It’s better to prevent or plan before tragedy happens.
Al mal paso, darle prisa.
During bad times hurry up to a solution. Face your problems as soon as possible, good times will come soon.
Al mal tiempo, buena cara.
To bad times a good face. Put a good face to the bad times. Be positive.
A mí la muerte me pela los dientes.
Death peels my teeth! Which means “Death can’t do anything to me!”
Al que madruga Dios lo ayudo.
God helps he who rises early. Early bird gets the worm.
Arrieros somos y en el camino andamos.
We are all mule drivers in the fields. We are all human beings making our way through life. Don’t criticize or judge others. We are all subject to problems and failings.
Aún no tienes alas y ya quieres volar.
You don’t have yet wings and already want to fly. Wait, prepare yourself, be patient.
Barriga llena, corazón contento.
Full stomach, happy heart.
Camarón que se duerme se lo lleva la corriente.
The shrimp that falls asleep is swept away by the current. You snooze, you lose.