November 20 the Mexican Revolution
On November 20, 2011 Mexico celebrated the Centennial Anniversary of its Revolution. On this date, in the year 1910 the revolutionary war to overthrow the ...
On November 20, 2011 Mexico celebrated the Centennial Anniversary of its Revolution. On this date, in the year 1910 the revolutionary war to overthrow the ...
They looked for water and food for the soldiers, built barricades to protect them in the evening, healed the sick, carried the weapons. They went ...
Emiliano Zapata Salazar, también conocido como el “Atila del Sur” o el “Caudillo del Sur”, vio la luz el 8 de agosto de 1879 ...
Buscaban el agua y la comida para los soldados, construían barricadas para resguardarlos al anochecer, curaban a los enfermos, cargaban el armamento. Iban a pie ...
On November 20, 2011 Mexico celebrated the Centennial Anniversary of its Revolution. On this date, in the year 1910 the revolutionary war to overthrow the ...