Puerto Vallarta : Premier Travel Destination
Spanish The glamour of a marina visited by internationally renowned artists and the simplicity of a red-brick cathedral surrounded by quaint little homes with barrel-tiled ...
Spanish The glamour of a marina visited by internationally renowned artists and the simplicity of a red-brick cathedral surrounded by quaint little homes with barrel-tiled ...
Puerto Vallarta is located very close to quaint, picturesque towns like Mascota y Talpa and Pueblo Magico, which can be reached by an exhilarating ride on horseback or by all-terrain vehicle.
English Dejando atrás el Viejo Puerto Vallarta, su Marina y zona hotelera, la embarcación se adentra en la Bahía deBanderas. Frente a los ojos del viajero se extiende la Costa Sur, el ...
English La riqueza natural de Puerto Vallarta desciende de las exuberantes selvas de la Sierra Madre Occidental, se desperdiga por las arenas grises, doradas y blancas para sumergirse en ...