¡Adivina Adivinador! Day of the Dead Sayings
There is more time than life.
There is more time than life.
Mexican proverbs or sayings are popularly known and repeated through generations. Here you will find some of the most used sayings, proverbios, with their english translation and ...
Limpia tu mente y todo se limpiará. Limpia tu corazón y todo se limpiará. Aztec Clean your mind & your heart and everything will be ...
Mexican proverbs or sayings are popularly known and repeated through generations. Here you will find some of the most used love sayings, proverbios, with their english ...
¡Viva la independencia!, ¡Viva la América!, ¡Muera el mal gobierno! Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla. Long live our independence! Long live America! Death to the bad government! Father ...